In the last 90 days, the world has seen a global pandemic with the Covid Crisis and racial tensions rise in the fight against police brutality.
I like you probably sometimes feel overwhelmed with the amount of information to process and all the graphic images and videos of those hurting, angry or dying. Below are some tips from Talk Space and us on how to ope with these traumatic events.

- Know when it’s time to power off your phone and avoid triggering videos and accounts.
- Only watch news max twice a day to stay informed but not overwhelmed.
- Write out your feelings in a journal
- Increase self care (home face masks, drink tea and water, take bubble baths, mediate, exercise).
- Be an advocated the best way you can whether it be sharing or signing a petition, making a call, or donating to causes. Everyone doesn’t need to physically protest to make a difference.
- If you are not Black American make sure out to reach out to your Black American friends to let them know that you care and are thinking of them.
- Do not completely isolate. Social distance only requires mask and six feet. Most states are in phase two of re-opening so visiting friends in outdoor spaces like hiking, beach and parks is good.
- Exercise in your house or walk around your neighborhood.
- Drink Plenty of Vitamin C to fight off germs.
- Wash your hands every time you come back from being outside for at least 20 seconds and wipe down common surfaces like your phone and door knobs twice a day.
- Pray and or Mediate.
- Zoom or Facetime Family and Friends at least once a week.
- Step outside at least once a day.
- Order in your favorite foods.
- Watch your favorite movies and catch up on binge worthy shows.
- Read here our tips on how to staycation!
Please let us know if these tips helped you and please share our article! Stay safe everyone.